I am an experienced, fully qualified and insured chimney sweep working across North Norfolk with a reputation for offering a clean, reliable and honest service. My services cover both routine annual sweeps as well as helping to resolve any other issues your chimney may have. So if your chimney is causing you problems, or even if you just need a routine clean, I have the expertise and experience to handle any task - big or small. I am able to locate the cause and then solve any chimney or fireplace issue effectively; From bird's nest removal to leakages.

Think you might have a bird's nest in your chimney? Apart from being able to hear birds chirping in your flue, another sign that you have some extra inhabitants in your home is twigs falling into the fireplace. A bird's nest in your chimney often leads to a buildup of unwanted materials in your flue, so you will need to call in a professional chimney sweep to get rid of it. You may feel that it is inhumane to get rid of a bird's nest from your chimney as, after all, it's not doing any harm, is it?