If you like what you see - why not pay a visit to our main office which has an extensive display area of all our concrete products including our very popular CastlePave and GlenPave paving slabs, as well as many of our quarry products such as gravel and beautiful crushed rock. Whether you are an architect, commercial company or an individual looking for a few paving slabs - Lovie can supply you with all the high quality materials you will need to complete your project.

Our production units at Memsie Quarry near Fraserburgh and Methlick Quarry near Ellon operate under a quality system assessed to BS EN ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System and use state of the art control systems to produce consistent concrete to the most exacting standards. Our operations are supported by an in house, well equipped laboratory which ensures that our own supplied raw materials and end product are tested for compliance with all current British and European standards and further to this, third party quality assurance is provided through the kitemark for ready-mix concrete, awarded by the British Standards Institute.

Our GlenPave and CastlePave Slabs are all hydraulically pressed, 500mm x 500mm x 50mm and weigh approximately 30kg each. This makes them widely considered an optimum size for placing as they are not too heavy whilst still achieving maximum coverage for your labour. Also, because our slabs are hydraulically pressed, they are suitable for driving on with your car enabling you to incorporate your driveway within your garden design. In addition to our 'GlenPave' and 'CastlePave' ranges we also have 'NaturalPave' - a range of beautiful natural stone paving available in a range of finishes and sizes.