ACM's may be present in any building if it was constructed or refurbished before 2000. Asbestos was prohibited in 1999. You need to do all that you reasonably can to identify asbestos materials within your building(s). Surveys can be carried out by in-house personnel of a third party but in each case, the surveyor must be competent to carry out the work required. HSE strongly recommends the use of accredited or certificated surveyors for asbestos surveys. The dutyholder should not appoint or instruct an independent surveyor to carry out a survey unless the surveyor is competent.
And they won’t be the only ones for; 1) Failing to manage their existing registers and 2) Failing to carry out re…
https:// www.theguardian. com/education/ 2019/jul/04/ 700-english-scho ols-reported-ov er-asbestos-saf ety-concerns
https:// www.theguardian. com/society/ 2019/nov/25/ uk-children-expo sed-to-more-asb estos-than-othe r-countries-rep ort
UK children exposed to more asbestos than other countries - report | Health | The Guardian
Truly transformed since our role in the project, excellent to see.
Retweeted Meden School (@MedenSchool):
Retweeted Sky News (@SkyNews):
http:// article-5873935/ Solicitor-warns- ticking-timebom b-talc-related- cancer.html
AUSTRALIA: #Asbestos found in classrooms destroyed in Sydney school crash - 2M Asbestos
Tower block evacuated after electricians drill through #asbestos - 2M Asbestos